How it works

In the face of this production, 142 million cubic meters of hypersaline brine are also created per day!

Desalinating sea water or variously brackish waters, purifying it and making them available for human activities is a concrete and realistic solution to satisfy at least part of the thirst for fresh water.

The spread of these systems has been slowed down by costs initially really too high, a fact that made practically impossible their installation in many of the countries that would need them most.

In 2018, desalination plants around the world were able to supply more or less 95 million cubic meters per day, so about 95 billion liters per day, therefore equal to about half the average flow rate of Niagara Falls.

In the face of this production, 142 million cubic meters of hypersaline brine are also created per day.

The plants that use thermal / evaporative desalination technologies produce, on average, from two to four times more brine per cubic meter of fresh water obtained than the plants that use the membrane distillation method for water desalination. 

This hypersaline brine is rich in anti-scalers, metals and various chlorides: if not used it should be treated exactly like other dangerous industrial waste. 

In reality, however, most of this brine tends to be reintroduced directly into the oceans, into surface waters, into wastewater disposal plants through the sewers or, more rarely, into deep wells, significantly altering the salinity of the water near the coasts, compromising the marine ecosystem.

The high salinity produces a reduction in the level of oxygen in the water, and this significantly impacts the habitats of organisms living in the sea, with major ecological effects that can be immediately observed throughout the whole food chain.

This is an unnecessary damage as salts, metals and other elements can be recovered from the brine in significant percentages, like: magnesium, gypsum, sodium, calcium, potassium, bromine, lithium chloride, etc.

In this context, cavitation and the specific peculiarities of the EMPOWERING DEVICE come into play.


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