We followed two guidelines: look for a system to solve the failures of the old technology and develop innovative systems with almost zero environmental impact. All trying to increase the yield for the owners and improve the conditions of the workers.
Our cavitation device, the EMPOWERING DEVICE, triggers an oxidation reaction of cyanides typical of processing in gold mines, by mixing the waters by cyanides with CO2 and compressed air, inside a special controlled cavitation system that allows the molecules to come into contact with each other, with the others with great ease and speed.
If should be a case where the aforementioned reaction could not self-sustain, then in the presence of particularly difficult to treat pollution, the liquids will be further added with pure oxygen, taken from the atmospheric air through a package sub-system membranes connected to the cavitator. The nitrogen will be separated, taking advantage of the different elution speed of the two molecules making up the air, and subsequently recovered to be used in maintenance, in safety devices and the remaining, if bottled, could also be sold on the market.
In extreme cases, a mixture of ozone will be introduced into the cavitation device which, thanks to the nascent oxygen, will completely oxidize any residual cyanides.
In sequence, the chemical reactions obtained within our apparatus are the following:
- the mixed air in intensive mode, with priming of a small initial amount of CO2, evaporates the HCN and oxidizes it in the much less toxic HOCN;
- with further supply of air / oxygen / ozone, the reaction continues to form other CO2, necessary to self-sustain the reaction, and ammonia;
- lastly these two molecules react by producing ammonium carbonate and causing the disappearance of cyanides in the water.