Graphene consists of a single layer of carbon atoms, often referred to as a dimensional 2D material, is not only incredibly thin but also demonstrates remarkable properties.

Ever since Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov brought to light the astounding characteristics of graphene, it has been dubbed the 'wonder material'.


This title is rightfully earned, as graphene and graphene-based materials exhibit exceptional conductivity of heat and electricity, making them front-runners in contemporary technology and industry advancements worldwide: it has the theoretical strength of diamond and the flexibility of plastic.

Graphene is a transparent, one-atom-thick 2D material with the highest electrical conductivity at room temperature. It's 200 times stronger than steel with a tensile strength of 130 GPa.

It also offers excellent thermal conductivity and unique light absorption.

As a pure form, it's a zero-band gap semiconductor.

Available in forms like flakes, graphene's superior properties make it versatile for electronics, energy storage, sensors, and more. Its high surface area and biocompatibility are ideal for drug delivery and tissue engineering, marking it vital for many future technologies.