As general rule, each project will be divided in phases.
Each phase own its "wheight" on the general economy of the project.
This suddivision will be used either by the Fund, if any, for its disbursement to Chemical Empowering and by us for paying the fee to our agents or intermeduaries, if any.
The following scheme offer an idea of how the above mentioned suddivision can work but it can be different from project to project.
If a Fund is involved, this latter will be responsable of drafting its disbursment scheme and Chemical Empowering will, in turn, communicate it to its agents or intermeduaries, if any.
If no Fund is involved, Chemical Empowering will disclose to its agents or intermeduaries, if any, its scheme to be followed for the project at the end of the drafting of the Feasibility Study.
Follows an exemplicative scheme.