In every country in which we operate we set up local companies to act in full compliance with current legislation.
The construction and final assembly of our equipment takes place in Italy.
In nature there are no “waste”: everything is recovered and put back into circulation in a virtuous cycle.
Therefore, any waste sent to landfills does not represent a solution but an impoverishment of the present generation and a subsequent problem to be managed for future generations.
We develop and produce innovations to make this possible and transform our planet in a more livable place.
Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed but everything is transformed: it is our precise duty to apply technological innovations for progress and for the preservation of our planet endowed with abundant but limited resources.
Often to solve a problem it is sufficient a "Columbus egg".
Some times the greatest inventions born by applying already known solutions in different environments from the which one these were originally thinked and developed.
We belong to the "old school": we believe that only applying all the disciplines together we can really understand how to simplify problems for others insoluble.
This is taught to us by Aristotle, Archimedes, Pur-Sina, Leonardo da Vinci and hundreds of other geniuses of the past.
Furthermore, for us, respect for the environment and for people is a priority: technology is developed to be at their service and not the other way round; we are not the "inhuman" inhabitants of Industria, so well described by Alexander Key in "The Incredible Tide".
We are the smartly sustainability lovers and we look for the technological progress of humanity, aware that technology if properly applied can really save this planet from its destroyers.